Welcome to P_BLOG


P_BLOG is a PHP and MySQL driven Weblog sytem with binary file uploader, access analyzer, comment/forum system, Trackback, Ping sending, and extensible yet simple content management function "Vars".

P_BLOG is an open sourced Free Software and is being developed under GPL, and generates W3C-Valid XHTML1.0 Strict or XHTML1.1.


Permission Check

Target Permission Check Status
/resourcesYou can read and write -- OK.Status Green
/include/user_includeYou can read and write -- OK.Status Green
/include/user_include/menu.inc.phpYou can read and write -- OK.Status Green
/include/user_include/css_rss.inc.phpYou can read and write -- OK.Status Green
/include/user_include/base_xhtml.inc.phpYou can read and write -- OK.Status Green
/include/user_config.inc.phpYou can read and write -- OK.Status Green

Environment Check

SoftwareRequireYour EnvironmentStatus
PHP 4.2 〜 7.0.33 Status Green
MySQL 3.23.5x 〜
Set your database name
Use default name if you are unsure or don't need to change it.

** Not Connected to MySQL Now. **
You must set all three in below correctly to connect to MySQL.
Please check your MySQL host name again.

Please check your MySQL user name again.

Please check your MySQL user pass again.

Status Red